06 Parental Discussion


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主讲人:Maria Joao - 玛丽亚·若昂
国际婴儿抚触协会资深教练, 国际资深物理治疗师
主讲人:Maria Joao - 玛丽亚·若昂
主讲人介绍:国际婴儿抚触协会资深教练, 国际资深物理治疗师



你好Hi I am Maria Joao Alvito, International trainer from the International Association of infant massage, today I will spend some minutes with you talking about the importance to promote parental discussion in our outline parental class. our founder Vimala Maclure created the desire for all Instructors around world promote a space and a time where parents can be with parents and they have opportunity to achieve parenting together. And intention to have this time in your outline is to create like a forum where parents can share and express ideas about babies and parenting, at the same time. It allows them to experience the social feeling of parenting together. It is a unique opportunity in our urban life to create a pause to create a time where parents face-to-face can feel supported and accepted not only from the other families, but also from you from the instructor from the International Association of infant massage. With instructor who not judge, who not give advice but value and promote awareness about to be a mother, to be a father.


And it will allow also for each family to give to each parent a voice and the chance to feel heard and seen as a unique individual.  As an instructor you have the responsibility to have a time for these parents to parent discussion. Usually it will be the last part of your class. You can choose some topics related to parenting or to babies and to propose to invite parents to start the sharing, you can use for example an article you have good text from Vimala McClure from your manual. You can use a quote, or you can use a poem to introduce the subject. You can also prepare a box with some open questions about several subjects and choose the questions according the subject the topic you choose. You can also open the suggestions of topics to the class and each family can related it according their experience what it will be important for them to discuss that question.

它还将允许每个家庭给每个父母一个发声的机会,这个机会可以感受到作为一个独立的个体被聆听、被关注的感受。 作为导师,您有责任让这些家长有时间进行家长之间的讨论。通常,这将是你课堂的最后一部分。您可以选择一些与育儿或婴儿相关的主题来讨论,并提议或邀请家长开始做出分享,例如,您可以使用一篇您手册中包含的维玛拉女士的优秀文章来进行讨论。您可以使用至理名言来讨论,也可以使用诗歌来介绍讨论的主题。您还可以准备一个盒子,盒子里有一些关于多个主题的开放式问题,并根据您选择的主题来选择问题并进行讨论。您还可以向课堂上的家庭开放主题,每个家庭都可以根据他们自己的经验来讨论、选择讨论的主题非常重要。

And then you create that material to promote in the next session the development of that subject. But remember your role as an instructor. It's not teaching. Teaching belongs to the theoretical point from iaim program. As an instructor, your role in parental discussion is to facilitate and support parents to share ideas about babies and parenting. You need to leave your other professional knowledge at the door and try during the parental discussion not never to give professional or technical clinical advice about any kind of the subjects.


You are there to propose a subject, to propose the participation the active participation from all the group and to support parents. And sometimes when parents ask you directly a question, you need to give the question to the group, to the other families around, what you think about, is there anyone has any other ideas  ? or what have you read or heard about it so far ?.  This will respect the expertise from parents, and you are there to acknowledge each parent and each baby. Because some specific topics are specifics for some families and each baby is unique with different needs and different values and it will be the same from the families you need also to balance the discussion because if you have a mama or Papa over talking, you need to try to balance the discussion around the circle of families.

讲师在讨论环节抛出主题,建议参与讨论的所有家庭积极参与进来,并支持父母。有时候,当父母直接问你一个问题时,你需要做的是把问题交给小组,让周围的其他家庭进行分享,你可以问家长你是怎么想的呢,还有人有什么其他想法吗?或到目前为止你读过或听说过这个吗?。 这将尊重父母的专长,你在那里陪伴每个父母和每个婴儿。因为一些具体的话题是一些家庭的具体的问题,每个家庭、每个婴儿都是很很独特的,有不同的需求和不同的价值观,从我们自己的家庭来说,这也是一样的,因为如果当妈妈或爸爸在谈话的时候,我们需要尽量的去平衡这个家庭中话题讨论的。

And you need also to give time and to respect and allow silence because sometimes some parents need more time to reflect, some parents do not want to talk a little more about that, and then when you feel from the circle of families in that class, you already received from them experience active participation open questions open answers you can close, and when you close you can do a little conclusion and a little summary about what was discussed and again without any kind of judgment. You need to use very at a very deep level your active listening. Clean your mind, open your hearts and receive. And without any kind of judgment return to the circle explaining no matter the conclusion. It will be unique for each baby and for each family. And there are several subjects. You can cover depending of the group and depending on the dynamic of that group. Sometimes you can choose a very hot subject like crying or sleeping or spoiling or postnatal depression.


But also, you can also choose another kind of subject, like how family balance stress and relaxation time, at family time, or how they deal with advice and family presents, or how they balance the time. The family time with their job time.  Or also you can invite parents to talk about bonding and it will be very important. You keep quiet. You keep in a very open attitude, in a very humble attitude to welcome all points of you. Because each family loves to participate with experience, with challenges, with histories and also with desires, and dreams, because each parents love each baby and they want to share with the group, sometimes some happy time but also sometimes the challenge time, to have a baby and you need to be there in a very active position but not to over talking but to facilitate the conversation.

但是,您也可以选择另一种主题,比如如何平衡家庭中的压力并保持放松时间,在家里的时间,或他们如何处理建议在家人都在的情况下,如何平衡大家的时间。家庭的时间作息与他们的工作时间的调整。 或者你可以邀请父母谈论亲密关系的话题,这也是非常重要的。你保持安静、你保持一种非常开放的态度,以非常谦卑的态度欢迎所有的家长的观点。因为每个家庭都爱参与经验的分享,分享的话题可以有挑战、有家庭的背景,也有期望,还有梦想,因为每个父母都爱自己的孩子,他们想与大家分享这个内容,有时一些快乐的时候,但有时也会有面临挑战的时候,为了方便讨论,方便谈话,大家可以保持一个非常积极的姿势,不过在父母讨论的时候不要过度的讨论,讲师们需要控场并支持这个讨论。

And try not to give medical advice because the International Association of infant massage has a program with a family-centered program not clinical, not therapeutic.  We are there to promote communication using the nurturing touch and our attitude needs to be a mirror from our mission statement according to the respect the value and the love we have, in our mission statement for each baby and for each family. It was a pleasure to stay with you this time with this episode audio, and I have hope to see you soon. Xie Xie.

父母讨论环节时尽量不给医疗建议,因为国际婴儿按摩协会是一个以家庭为中心的计划,而不是临床或是治疗的方法。 我们是在促进沟通,通过培育滋养性的抚触来建立沟通,讲师们所保持的态度就像一面镜子一样反映出了作为讲师所应该传递的国际婴儿按摩协会的使命宣言中,所抱持的态度,我们应该尊重、重视、关爱每一个家庭,很高兴能与你们在一起分享,期待很快再次见到你们。谢谢。



话题 728

